
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

30 ways to change your home

The proof of how you are dealing with the current social and political issues is found first in your home. Do you come home and feel that you are entering a recluse where you can recover from the cruel outside world? Or, do you come home to another war that heaps even more stress into your life? Are you excited to be home or do you wish you could run away? Do you yell and fuss at everyone in the house or are your evenings filled with kind words and lots of hugs?

Do you realize that your children will also view your home in the same way you do? Is it a place of support for them or like you, is it a place of further humiliation and pain?

In the next few weeks I will be discussing 30 ways to improve your home life. It will include tips as well as directions for building a home that is both pleasant and supportive. I promise that if you follow these tips, your life will change.

I hope you will make this a discussion with plenty of comments and questions. Please tell your friends to join us. We will all find ways to make our homes better and that will ultimately make the community better which will in turn ripple out into our country. Every time we invest in our homes and our children, we make changes to the landscape of this country. What you do in your home matters to all of us. You can choose to be a light and an example - or you can choose to be part of the problem.

When times are tough in the outside world, we need a place to return for strength and to recuperate. My home has been that way. I know how to help you create that type of home. I hope you will join me.

Seeking his wisdom


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