
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why would anyone want to have children now?

Our country is in chaos! Our world is on the verge of another world war! Murder, drugs, crime - it's all over America and the world. Why would any young couple want to have children now?

What if your child will be the person God had designed to bring this country back to Him? What if your child was destined to be the next Billy Graham or the next great gospel singer or the mother of the minister that would show millions to Christ? What if your child was God's pick for the president of the United States in 2040? What if your child is one of many that will join together to fight against the loss of our religious freedoms? Maybe she's to be the next great missionary and will have the powerful words that will change millions of muslims or atheists or buddist or whatever to God. What if your child may face danger....but his/her heroic acts will destroy the next Hitler?

"But Debbie, is it fair to bring a child into a life where he may suffer?"

"Suffering is a part of life. We all suffer in many ways. The only thing that makes our measly little lives count is that we Overcome suffering and that we get through those hard times with grace and with honor and with dignity. Avoiding pain while others suffer is the coward's way out. It's sad that even if your child isn't born....you've still made him a coward. You've made the choice for him."

"I'm not making that choice just because I don't want to see him suffer!"

"Yes, you are. You are saying to the world that your bloodline has nothing to offer. You couldn't possibly have a child that would be a strong hero or that would offer ideas and plans for a better future. Your only hope is that you give your child an easy enough time so he wouldn't have to work hard. You have said to the world and more importantly to God that you will not allow your future child the opportunity to be a major player in God's plan? Do you have that right?"

I hope you will watch this terrifying video and tell all your friends about it. The best way to conquer any country or any religion is quietly - by simply over populating them with another culture. God have mercy on us! While we play church and go about our selfish lives....the enemy creeps closer.


Debbie....do you hate muslims? Asolutely NOT! But...I do think their religion or cult or whatever you want to call it is a threat to freedom of religion and other social freedoms. They believe that they have a right to kill infidels and they define that as anyone who is not muslim. When they enter a country it is not with the intent to blend in but rather to force their lifestyle and opinions on others. That is the danger. I have a link in the sidebar that will take you to a websiteIslam - Religion of peace?  that will not only explain what they believe but will also list the ways they intend to carry out their missions. The most striking thing for me was to learn that they believe in lying. Lying to the infidel is not only taught it is rewarded.

I simply think we need to be informed and we need to be pro-active. I can't be the frog that thinks he's soaking in a nice hot tub only to find out too late that he's being boiled to death!

Seeking His Wisdom,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amazing Children

While I'm always in favor of allowing children the chance to "enjoy" their childhood....youth is the best place to develop talent.  I hope you enjoy the following amazing children.

TVKim.com         North Korean girl guitarist

Life in North Korea is unlike life anywhere else. Because the country it so closed off, we don't see much of it. But the pieces that leak out are strangely fascinating. That's especially true when it comes to children. North Korean children are extremely disciplined. Take Kang Eunju, for example. She is an amazing guitarist. But even more amazing is the fact that she's still in Kindergarten.


You probably remember Connie Talbot from Britain's Got Talent.


Here's a compilation of pictures with a song off her new CD

When parents want to tell me that hymns are old fashioned and that their children just won't listen to them, I'm going to refer them to two beautiful websites.  First is Rhema Marvanne.com

You'll love hearing her sing Amazing Grace at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDDlxmsciqY

The second is a little Zoei Toh. You can find all her videos at http://www.zoeitoh.net/

These children are truly amazing.  Though they are also special....the question remains.  How are you helping your child reach his/her fullest potential.  Even if their talents only consist of bringing you a diaper for little sister....how are you encouraging your child to be their best?

Seeking His Wisdom,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Precious Pointer #8 Have Fun!

Precious Pointer #8   Having fun should be a mandatory rule in your home.

Recently I was at a church party and watched a very good mom with her 3 children.  While the rest of us talked this mom constantly corrected her children.  If your an avid reader...you know how much I talk about training your children.  In this case however, it was evident that the children were being corrected because mom was afraid of being embarrassed in front of her friends. 

You must draw your lines carefully.  While you must train your children, your home needs to be viewed as the best place on earth to be.  That means there must be a marriage of instruction and fun!  After all, the sweetest words a mom or dad can hear is, "I love my parents cause they are fun to be with!" 

Tickle your children. Have fun nicknames. Go on lots of picnics. Laugh at silly movies. Hug them, sit by them, snuggle with them. Let them know they are loved and that you like being with them. All of this will strengthen their self-esteem and make it easier to handle the daily stresses that come along. Children gravitate to people that make them feel good. Make sure you are one of those people.

Seeking His Wisdom,


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New items on Family Tracks!

I believe that children will excite and surprise us with their accomplishments if we give them the tools they need to succeed.  I like to watch Glenn Beck because he does his homework.  He not only describes what's going on - he provides resources and videos so you can follow up with your own research.

It's important for the future of our country that our children understand why we have succeeded so far, who we really are and what our founding fathers had in mind when we were created.  But...I understand how difficult it is for any of us to find time in our busy lives to talk about history. 

I found a website that can help.  American Minute whether you support them or not, will send you an e-mail every day about the founding of this country.  If you use the link in the sidebar....you will be directed to the daily short history lessons and my few comments on my Family Tracks blog.  Here's the first link to get you started.  Welcome to One Nation Under God 

I encourage you to take the time to discuss these lessons at the supper table or on the way to soccer.  I know that in time you will be able to help your child love and support America.

Seeking His Wisdom,


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Public Schools? Really?

A few weeks ago as I sipped my morning coffee, I turned on the news. While listening to the first story I almost snorted coffee out my nose!
The Helena Montana school board wants to teach sex education in the first grade. They feel it's appropriate to explain body parts, what they are for and that it's possible to romantically love someone of the same gender. By the second grade they want to introduce the gay lifestyle and that it's inappropriate to use slurs against gays.

According to KRTV in Montana KRTV news   "By fifth grade, they are taught there are several types of intercourse, and by the sixth grade, the draft document states that students should, "Understand that sexual intercourse includes but is not limited to vaginal, oral, or anal penetration; using the penis, fingers, tongue or objects."

Part of my mission is to help parents understand that children are impressionable. What you do in your home matters. The people that associate with your children matter. The things your children are taught....it matters. In my class, "Your rights in the Public School system" I explain that the school system can not and must not teach moral issues to your child - unless they revert to the 50's bible based value system. Why? Because if the morals of our children are being taught by liberal - motive based - individuals....our children will be indoctrinated with unacceptable views. Sex education in schools is not an attempt to help children is has always been about indoctrinating children to liberal views.
Even 25 years ago when my children were subjected to a mild sex education class that was abstinence based and covered more medical diseases than anything - I opted them out and used the material to teach them myself. I knew they needed my opinions on the subject and needed to be free from the jeers and lude remarks that would inevitably surface in a mixed room of pre-teens. I allowed them to take the test with the others but insisted that if there were questions of moral preference - they must use my explanations not the teachers. My children scored the highest grades in the class. And....my children remained "pure" until marriage.

If you look back to the Montana situation, the school board is saying to parents...."Give us your child at his most vulnerable age ( just 6 years old) and allow us to indoctrinate him/her to our beliefs." They cover their agenda with a smokescreen of "science and health" and make you believe that sexual orientation will only be a small part of the curriculum. What teacher would avoid giving an answer to a question simply because it's not "time" or on her lesson plans for the day.

So... let's look at this with a reality based situation and a logical mind. Let's say that you are a teacher in that school district. You are married but you have a sister that is gay. You are a democrat and very liberal in your thinking. You have no problem with abortion or political correctness as long as it is in favor of liberal thoughts. Your husband reads playboy and you think sexual perversion is a myth. You have no idea of the how many people you slept with before marriage and you are doing just fine. Sex for you is just a bodily function and therefore doesn't deserve any restrictions. Sex involves more science and health than it does purity. You feel superior in this area because you have studied science and not allowed the emotional or spiritual connection to invade the subject of sex. You wouldn't dare be a mean as he is...but you agree with Bill Mauer that most conservatives are just stupid and you need to find a way to enlightened them and force your beliefs for the good of all.

You receive the sex education curriculum as well as five letters from parents warning you not to indoctrinate their children. They ask for the dates you plan to teach this subject because they intend to keep their children home. First you are enraged that these parents have rejected your teaching abilities. Since all five of them are Christians and opposed to the gay lifestyle, you also feel that they have rejected your wonderful sister.

You calm down and decide that you are going to accept their horrible demands and do the best you can to teach their little monsters.

Hum.....Do you think it will be possible to stay neutral? How would you react to any "innocent" remark from that child if it was Christian based? If the subject was initiated by a student two days before the "Christians" were opted out, would you use that opportunity to have your say in front of those children? After all....you have to be responsive to other students too...right? Would you treat the Christian children different?

It has been proven and documented that teachers can't help but respond to a child's personality or behavior in the classroom. Teachers are not robots. Teachers will spend more time helping the polite child than she will helping the trouble maker. That's just human nature! I have a lot of friends and I love most of their children. But even when I'm consciously trying....I find that I have a hard time showing love and interacting with spoiled brats. When a cutie pie darling polite child lifts her hands and wants me to pick her up - I'm all about that. When I see a cutie pie little girl hit her mom in the face - I'm not so quick to want to hold her.

The same is true for teachers and other people that interact with our children. Their beliefs and moral choices will rub off on our children. We are our child's protector and while we should teach them never to be mean to anyone.....we must protect their little minds until our conservative beliefs are fully understood. We are not smothering them, we are simply making sure they have all the facts and aren't called on to make a decision before knowing "all" the facts. The school board president said, "I want children to have the facts so they can intelligently make their own decision." Since when does a six year old even want to make a sexual decision? For them it's still all about cooties and yucky girls or stupid boys. Isn't this an overt attack on the innocence of youth? If a child under the age of 12 can't testify in court because he can be swayed by the interviewer....why would we think a child under 12 can't be swayed by a teacher?

I feel a deep sadness for the children of this country. No child should be exposed to sex before marriage. AND....no child should have to be concerned with the facts until their bodies begin to change. Hollywood, books and unfortunately the public school system has pushed sex on our children and stolen the innocence of childhood. Parents must stop the onslaught!

Will you help? If you can find a way to connect with the Montana parents and give them our support....please let me know and I'll pass addresses on here.

I've always encouraged parents to consider leaving their children in public schools. Not any more. If you can afford it - please consider finding the best Christian school you can. Until we can get them changed, public schools are becoming your child's worst enemy!

What do you think?

Seeking His Wisdom,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Precious Pointer #7 Set the Bar High

#7 Set the bar high

Precious Pointer #7

Set the bar high.

All humans are capable of more than our finite minds can imagine. Don’t doom your child to a life of mediocrity by accepting low achievement. Rules won’t work. You can’t regulate success. But you can teach your children to reach for the skies. You can promote creative thinking and support a family philosophy of hard work. If you set the bar high and encourage your children to do their best – you will be amazed at their accomplishments.

Seeking His Wisdom,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Precious Pointer #6 Don't treat your children like dogs.

Precious Pointer #6

Don’t treat your children like dogs.

We feed dogs and provide for their general care. We pet them on the head and maybe take time to housebreak them. After that – they are on their own. Children need more than dogcare. They need training.

Of course, if you follow Ceasar Millan you would know that even dogs become unstable without proper training.....but....for children especially....It’s your job to prepare them for the future – to train them to have a successful and happy life – and that takes time, lots of time.

If you love your children enough to provide lots of training, teaching, counseling, explaining.... the rewards will be staggering.
Seeking His Wisdom,