
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tips for sitting on Santa's lap

Do you have a precious but tender hearted child that seems to be afraid of meeting new people?  Is grandma already asking for a picture of your little one with Santa and you know it's not going to go well?

Try these tips to help your pre-schooler or toddler have a pleasant time with Santa.

Before taking your child to see Santa, purchase a fake beard.  Most children haven't seen a mass of white hair or cotton on an adult.  Some of their fear may be because they aren't sure if you are putting them on a person's lap or if this is actually some kind of mean animal.   Wear the beard while laughing and playing with your child.  Have Daddy, grandpa and maybe even your best friend try the beard on and laugh.  Allow your child to touch and investigate the beard.  Let him put it on and look in the mirror. 

Allow your child to make friends with several "safe" people at church or a play group.  Try to pick out someone that is a little overweight or someone that has a gruff voice. 

Watch movies of Santa and get excited about wanting to see him.  Have fun teaching your child how to "ho-ho-ho." 

Purchase some red velvet (doesn't have to be more than a small block) so he can feel the texture and become familiar with the bright color. 

Arrive a little early for your session and point out other children that are having fun with Santa.  Be sure and point out how close "mommies" stand and how fun it will be to wave at mommy.

To save money, you can pass your purchases on to other mommies in your playgroup.  You might even go so far as to find someone that has a Santa suit and will let the children practice by sitting in his lap. 

While these tips may not take all your child's fears away, they will help.  Remember, children are usually afraid of what they don't understand.  Helping them to be familiar with the surroundings will help your child relax with Santa.

Seeking His Wisdom,


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