
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Children are Imitators

Precious Pointer #2

Children are Imitators

Children live by the rule of Show don’t tell. Like little ducklings ready to follow mama duck anywhere, your children will imitate your actions.

Demands on your children won’t have the same impact unless supported by your actions.   If you don't want your child to scream and pitch a fit, don't let them see you screaming or out of control.  To prevent a sassy teen – teach your child how to handle conflict without anger.

Stay calm. Keep your voice low and show them that it’s possible to accomplish compromise without elevated tempers.  Show them the proper way to act in any circumstance.....they are watching!

Seeking His Wisdom,


1 comment:

Laura Parker said...

oh debbie that is so true....