
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Never punish a child for "being" a child

Mommy and Daddy are adults. Babies are not.

Mommy and Daddy can plan. Babies can not.

Mommy and Daddy know all about consequences. Babies do not.

Your greatest tool as a parent is to understand what your child can and can't do during all the stages of his life.

Don't expect a two-year-old to think about the floor when his cup has lost it's top and the red Kool-aid is making neat little circles on the white carpet. He is at the point in his life when red circles will fascinate him while keeping mommy's carpet stain free will not.

Don't punish a three-year-old because he can't sit still in a stroller while you shop for two hours. His little body isn't made that way and he simply does not have the mental brain power to sit still while you check out the newest fashions.

Don't punish a four-year-old for putting water in the car gas tank. How is he supposed to know that cars don't run on water?

Don't punish a seven-year-old for telling Aunt Martha that he doesn't like frogs anymore - even if she did give him frog underwear for Christmas. Unless you have given him lessons on polite behavior even when we don't like something - he probably doesn't realize that he might hurt her feelings.

All of the above situations deserve to be treated as training exercises and are not worthy of punishment. If you need a plan to train and help your child navigate some of the challenging stages of his life - go to http://www.debbiejansen.com/ and look under resources. You can order two brochures that will help. The Penny System and Stages of life will help you to understand your child. Or you can send me an e-mail with any questions you have.

Seek His Wisdom,


1 comment:

jubilee said...

Thanks Debbie for your insight.

(And I LOVE your header!)