
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Friday, December 5, 2008

TRUTH is the Answer to parenting

In my book, Discipline Exposed, I explain that the only way to effectively parent is with TRUTH. After looking at the original manuscript for this book, my editor called to point out a typo. "Debbie, every time you mention truth your computer capitalized the word. We need to fix that."

"Do we have to? I did it on purpose because I believe that TRUTH is the most important component of good parenting." If you purchase my book you will see that the editor agreed.

Today there was an article at the online magazine One News Now. It reported on a new study by the Josephson Institute. More than 29,000 students were surveyed. The lack of honesty and a desire to live by the TRUTH was scary.

64 % admitted to cheating on a test

36% claimed to have used the Internet to plagiarize their school work

42% lied to save money

93% were satisfied with their personal ethics

Here's the problem....if our young people don't understand truth and honesty....what will our future be like?
Dr. Bill Maier of Focus on the Family pointed out, "We've seen over the last generation or so a move to question absolute truth and certainly to question biblical truth -- and it really doesn't surprise me that now we are starting to see the result in the behavior of our young people."

Okay Moms and Dads....think about it! Your children and all the other children across this nation are our future leaders, business owners, parents and spouses. If they are willing to lie and cheat their way through school, what's to prevent them from lying to client or botching an operation because they don't know what they are doing?

TRUTH is everything. You must teach your child to live by and for TRUTH. It's the only way to teach your faith and the only hope that America has of staying free.

If you don't know how to parent by TRUTH - you can purchase my book or send me a personal e-mail. If you do nothing, your relationship suffers and so does America.

You can do this! We can do it together - I'll help you. It's not hard. I promise you and your child will enjoy the process.

Seeking God's Wisdom,


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