
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Precious Pointer #6 Don't treat your children like dogs.

Precious Pointer #6

Don’t treat your children like dogs.

We feed dogs and provide for their general care. We pet them on the head and maybe take time to housebreak them. After that – they are on their own. Children need more than dogcare. They need training.

Of course, if you follow Ceasar Millan you would know that even dogs become unstable without proper training.....but....for children especially....It’s your job to prepare them for the future – to train them to have a successful and happy life – and that takes time, lots of time.

If you love your children enough to provide lots of training, teaching, counseling, explaining.... the rewards will be staggering.
Seeking His Wisdom,

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