
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Precious Pointer #8 Have Fun!

Precious Pointer #8   Having fun should be a mandatory rule in your home.

Recently I was at a church party and watched a very good mom with her 3 children.  While the rest of us talked this mom constantly corrected her children.  If your an avid reader...you know how much I talk about training your children.  In this case however, it was evident that the children were being corrected because mom was afraid of being embarrassed in front of her friends. 

You must draw your lines carefully.  While you must train your children, your home needs to be viewed as the best place on earth to be.  That means there must be a marriage of instruction and fun!  After all, the sweetest words a mom or dad can hear is, "I love my parents cause they are fun to be with!" 

Tickle your children. Have fun nicknames. Go on lots of picnics. Laugh at silly movies. Hug them, sit by them, snuggle with them. Let them know they are loved and that you like being with them. All of this will strengthen their self-esteem and make it easier to handle the daily stresses that come along. Children gravitate to people that make them feel good. Make sure you are one of those people.

Seeking His Wisdom,


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