
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Silent Killer of American Values

I know I take a terrible risk writing this post. There will come a time when I could be killed for speaking about such things. But....since my freedom still exists, now is the time to pass this information on.  If you want a better life for your child....now is the time to understand this post and get busy!

For years I've been saying that the best way to return America to it's roots is through our children. I've written blogs, mentioned it during talks on family life and even shared it on radio. Yet....very few parents jump on board and make a commitment to raise their children with a political or evangelical goal in mind. (If you have made this commitment - please leave a comment and let me know!)
The family has been attacked for years. We've stood silent while ACLU and every other liberal organization has tried to destroy the family. We've allowed liberals to use political correctness and diversity as a way to strip us of our voice and the power to change the future. Parents have jumped at any progressive psychological philosophy to raise their children as long as it was "easy" or didn't require them to be wise or invest in their child's life. You have no influence - is the battle cry for progressive psychology. You can't change your child or help them to live a better life. Just put up with your child's bad behavior - if you try to change them you will "abuse" their inner self-esteem.

America believed that non-sense and now we are shocked when the adults of that kind of parental philosophy have entered Washington and are destroying our country. Duh!!!

Let me share the statistics again......for the thousandth time.....

If we had just 800 parents that accepted the challenge to raise their children by God's principles and who promised to encourage their children to be involved in political matters.....we could change congress in 20 years or less. How?

800 sets of parents having two children each would produce 1,600 children. If only half decided to seek a political career that would be 800 children. If only 1/4 of them won their seats, that would be 400 dedicated Christians in Washington - we could take over. Can you imagine if "every" Christian parent dedicated themselves to that role? Can you imagine all the side effects of that goal....preachers, school teachers, school boards, writers, etc... Our country would be taken over by a generation of sold out Christians.

But Debbie....what about all the little details in getting there? How can you discipline without making your child hate you? How can you keep your child in your faith? How can you keep your love strong and yet insist that a child do what's right? I've been told you can't.

YES, You can do it! Progressive psychologist are lying to you. You can have a happy home. You can make a difference in your child's life. You can have an influence on society!

E-mail any question or concern and I'll give you all the information you need to handle that problem.

Now let me give you proof that "families" will take over America. No matter what your thought about muslims, this video explains the silent killer this country faces. While we are fighting for our political freedoms, we are being overcome at the family level. We desperately need to raise strong "Patriots" that will stand for our faith and for the freedoms this country was built on.

Remember that if Muslims become dominate, it is part of their faith to establish Sharia law as the law of the land.  And if you don't adhere to Sharia law....you die.  Imagine for a moment how you would feel if you knew your great grand-child was going to be executed for speaking against Muhammad.  How would you feel if you knew their hand would be cut off because they stole a pencil.  As protectors of our children we need to understand the possible future and how to train our children to protect their own freedoms.  Check out this article Top ten reasons why Sharia law is not good. 

You can find this on You tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9atIjykihkc

Still don't believe me? Read Brigitte Gabriel's books or contact her on line and she will tell you that muslims teach that having 20-50 children per male is the only way to take over the world. Yet Americans are taught that having more than two children is too expensive.

Recently a young newlywed announced that she and her husband had decided not to have children. "It's just too dangerous to bring a child into this world." I responded...."Well, then we are all doomed. If every devout Christian decides not to have children - evil will flourish and take over the world. What we really need to do is train our children to face the dangers of this world with the word of God and with God by their side. That's how you make the world safe. You don't run from danger, you run to face it with God's power."

Seeking His Wisdom,

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