
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life must be fair

Life must be Fair

Precious Pointer #3 

Children do not respond to the old saying do as I say – not as I do. If it’s wrong for them to yell, then it must be wrong for you. If they can’t lie, neither can you. And…if they catch you doing something you shouldn’t, you should apologize –accept punishment and teach them that breaking the rules is wrong at any age.

The best way to frustrate a child and push them into rebellion is to let them think that what's right for you is wrong for them.  It's confusing and it will cause rebellion and multiple misunderstandings.

I once let my son put me on restriction because I broke a rule. It was a great way to help him understand that I was committed to being a fair parent and that our only goal was to live by “truth”.

Seeking His Wisdom,


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