
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Teach your children to love excellence

Is this your routine....

Rise at 6am and rush to get two kids dressed and fed, one husband awake and yourself ready for work.  Yell and scream until the kids are in the car.  Drop them off at school, rush to work and speed through your day.  At 3:15 you are tapping your nails on the desk wondering when the children will get in the house and call you.  Finally at 3:25 you know they are locked in and safe.  At 5:05 you rush out of work, stop by the store and grab something for supper.  You rush in, throw your purse in the corner, change clothes and start supper. 

You nag until hubby gets off the couch, gobbles his supper and takes the children for lessons....any kind of lessons.  You use this time to prepare lunches for tomorrow, do a couple of loads of laundry and snore in front of evening news. 

Hubby returns with children and you ship them off to their room to finish homework, get a bath and in bed.  You take a quick shower, set out your clothes and fall asleep before brushing your teeth. 

The whole thing starts over the next day.  Saturday isn't a day of leisure.  It's run day.  Run to sports events, run to the store, run to pay bills, run to find that dress you need for a wedding and run for family time at McDonalds. 

Sunday isn't a day of rest either.  It's pop up for church in the morning, lunch with grandparents, a trip to the library and home to do the laundry and get ready to do it all over again the next week.

When is there time for training?  Training about how to have a friend, how to love God, how to do your best?  Training about honesty is the best policy, don't hit girls and don't take advantage of boys.....when do we teach our children all the things they will need to know in order to have a great life?

It's important to teach your children not only about life but to "love excellence".  Teach them to appreciate different styles of music and art.  Teach them too appreciate anyone who has talent and to praise them for using that talent in a good and excellent manner. 

Teach your children to be the best they can be and to reach for the stars! 

Catus Cuties can be a great example of children who learn the value of hard work and being the best you can be.

Seeking His Wisdom,


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