
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Debbie isn't mad..

Contemporary psychology is like a horse with blinders on.  They decide that something doesn't make a child or an adult feel good, so they go after it with a vengeance - regardless of the consequences.  Their #1 priority is to soothe the feelings of the parent or to keep the child from ever dealing with consequences.  Unfortunately, that is leading us down a very destructive path.  Truth is the only answer to some of the major problems we have.

When it becomes necessary for me to tell parents the truth, I'm not mad at them.  I look at parents in the same way I would want someone to look at me.  If I don't have the facts that I need to make a "good" decision, I hope someone will step in and say...."Debbie, I think you need to reconsider this decision you are about to make.  There are facts you don't have."  And if I don't listen....I hope someone will up the rhetoric and let me know that they have important information for me.   I hope my friends and family will care about the unhealthy consequences I may face and will intervene with new information about my situation.

If I am so thin skinned that I won't listen to good advice and consider it before making a decision ---I DESERVE ANY CONSEQUENCES I MAY HAVE TO ENDURE !

On the other hand, whoever is trying to help me does not have the right to make the decision for me.  They don't have the right to take over.  That would be the definition of slavery.  Like the relationship I try to build with my children - my friends do have the right to try to convince me that the information they have is important to my decision.

THAT IS WHAT I TRY TO DO FOR YOU.   All my blogs as well as my writing has one goal - to give you the information you need to make a great decision for your life!  If my writing isn't doing that - it's worthless.

I am not angry when I talk about contemporary psychologist that produce incompetent information that will ultimately lead parents down the wrong road....I'm just letting you know how dangerous their philosophies are.

I am not angry when I talk about parents who spend more time researching which computer to buy than they do seeking out parenting information that might help their child.  I simply see a train wreck coming and I choose to yell a little louder to "get off the track!"

I'm not even angry when I recall stupid parents ideas that ruin a child's life.  Actually that makes me sad and depressed more than angry.  But....I do choose to become charismatic and energized so I can hopefully help other parents see that those philosophies produce disaster.

What I am committed to is making sure the finger of blame points at the right person.  If that is your child, fine.  If that's society, fine.  But if it's you....I'll point to you - the parent, grandparent, church, school, politician - whoever.  I want to find the person that has the power to change the situation and make him/her responsible.

Why am I telling you all this???

Because the stakes are getting higher and it's time for me to get a little louder about the problems.  I've tried to be as subdued as possible on all my blogs, but the consequences for families are heating up.  If parents don't pay attention to what is coming and make changes in their families - the future for our children will be unbearable. 

It's really hard to write "carefully" so no one's feelings are hurt.  Sometimes I avoid some subjects because I think, "Man....if I present this like I want to my readers will think I'm on a rampage."  Though I promise not to be on a rampage....I do not promise to soothe your feelings.  It's time we take a hard look at the consequences of bad parenting and make a commitment to be the parents God has called us to be.

I hope you are with me!

So.....get ready......Debbie isn't mad - just determined to make a difference!

Seeking His Wisdom,


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