
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Children - Obesity - NEA

I know I promised not to get mad....but I'm really angry this morning.  I'm angry at a government that continues to strip America of her freedoms and I'm frustrated and angry that they are attacking the family with a vengeance.

THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU HOW TO RAISE YOUR CHILD!  If you give up that right not only will your child be in danger...our country will not have a future.

Abuse is wrong.  It's against all laws of Christianity and all civil laws as well.  While Family services should rescue abuse victims, there is a fine line that the government can not cross.  And....it's time parents unite and let the government know that we will not put up with this type of interference.

When my children were in elementary school, I was as involved as I had time to be and I let the teachers know that I would support their efforts to teach my children.  However, one day my children were very nervous because of an announcement the principal made.  He responded to a rumor the children had passed around.  He announced that he "did" have an electric paddle and he would use it on unruly children.  Amie was especially anxious and I was furious! 

I put my children back in the car and we drove to the school.  I left the children in the car and walked in and demanded to see the principle in private.  I let him know in no uncertain terms that he was being a bully and I would not tolerate scare tactics on my children.  I told him I was going to let my children know that this was a joke and I would also inform them that the principle did not have the right to hit them or touch them in any way.  Furthermore....if he ever "did" touched my children in any way that I would sue.  "It is my job to discipline my children.  If you have a problem with them you are to call me and I will administer their discipline - not you!" 

He tried to laugh it off and said, "Well now Mrs. Jansen, calm down.  I don't expect that your children would ever have a problem.  That statement was to get some of our other disciplinary cases in line."

I had to take a deep breath before I continued.  "How dare you!"  He looked startled.  "How dare you use the self-esteem of my children to control other children.  My children should not have to endure fear because you lack the ability to run this school.  You need to re-evaluate your own abilities and leave my children out of it. 

He had nothing more to say and I left.

Whew!  Debbie went overboard?!?!?

No.  I don't think so.  It's important that we stand up for our children.  While we must be careful to evaluate the situation properly and be on the side of right (if your child is doing something wrong...admit it and be part of their discipline) - we must stand up and fight when our children are being exposed to even the hint of wrong.  We have the right to opt our children out of school issues that do not line up with our core beliefs. 

The reasons schools feel they can bully us into their beliefs is because too many people are afraid of causing a scene or afraid of getting involved or are simply too overworked and tired that they don't think they have the time to get involved.

WE MUST get involved or the same thing that happened in the federal government will happen on the school level.  One day we will wake up and find that we've lost many of our freedoms of parenting.


Today Arizona schools will begin weighing and measuring children.  Those who are deemed overweight will be given a health report card to take home to their parents.  Apparently Arizona doesn't think parents are smart enough to look at their children. 

Gretchen Carlson on Fox and Friends was angry.  "I was a chubby child.  That would have devastated my self-esteem.  How dare they do that to children!"  She's exactly right.  Can you imagine some darling young girl who is a little shy and worried about a few extra pounds - having to stand off to the side while a teacher weighs and measures her body?  Even if they do it in private...other children will be able to tell by the red face and nervous look that it didn't go well. 

My worry is what happens later.  Does the school start monitoring her food?  Does the teacher give her a raised eyebrow if she has chips instead of carrots?  Does the food lady in line cut her portions in half? 

Talk about bullying!  How awful for that child!  Every time that child walks into school she is faced with bullying from a staff that thinks she is overweight.  How embarrassing....how torturous!  Doocey made a great point on the show...."What if the teacher is overweight?  Are they going to give her/him a report card?" 

Going to school should have one goal....to learn facts about our world.  That's it!  They do not have the right to invade your spiritual, moral, cultural, or parenting decisions.

Unfortunately, this isn't the only problem parents are facing.  The NEA wants you to believe that your children have sexual thoughts and agendas at six years old.  They want you to believe that you have no influence over your children.  That you don't have the tools to beat back the evil that wants to overcome and destroy your household!

That's baloney!  Don't believe it. 

We have to go further than that.  We have to fight even the slightest attempt to convince us that we are not capable of handling our child's growth and development.  I will stand with you in your fight!

Seeking His Wisdom,


1 comment:

Laura Parker said...

That is absolutely awful! Nothing surprises me anymore, thanks for sharing. I agree we all need to get proactive about changing our country for the better.