
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A little Reminder....You are raising the future!

I know that you are very busy.  Perhaps you have a job outside your home.  You give 100% from 8 to 5 and then it's rush home and continue giving until you fall in bed at night.  Week-ends are no release either.  The children pop up early, there's shopping to do and running around and....whew!  Even if you don't work outside the home, you have just as much to do - sometimes more.  I get tired just writing about your schedule.  Believe me, I don't want to throw anything else into the mixture....and yet....we must be careful not to forget why we are doing all the "stuff" we do.

You are raising the future.  When you start winding down and cutting your schedule in half, that's when your child will be called on to step up and take over.  He/she will make decisions that will either continue this life, create a better one or destroy what our generation has created.  Your child will either take a stand and become a front runner in this way of life or he will stand and be counted with millions of others by influencing his community.  Maybe your child will be a congressman or another millionaire that helps entire communities with his understanding of business.  Maybe your child will be a teacher that influences thousands of children and sends them out into the world to make a difference.  Whatever method your child chooses....he/she will determine what this country is like. 

Your child must know the truth about this country.  Unfortunately, school books can't be trusted.  For that reason, I'm passing on tid bits of history from a trusted website.  http://www.americanminute.com/ daily sends out a short description of someone in history.  I'm now posting those on my Family Tracks blog.  There is also a link in this blog's sidebar (Little girl praying - Title - One Nation Under God) that will take you to a list of those posts. 

I hope you will print these out and read them at the dinner table.  Discuss the Godly ways our forefathers felt about this country.  Give your children a patriotic view of America's history.  If you do....they will make this country better when it's their turn to serve.

And tomorrow.....take your children with you when you vote. Give them a practical lesson in how easy it is to take a stand for what you believe. Show them that being part of the process and using your vote to determine the success of America is the "right" thing to do!
Tomorrow Ron and I will pray for this country as we stand in line to vote. May God bless us now and may he keep his hand on America and give our children the same advantages we have had.

Seeking His Wisdom,


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