
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What do children "really" need?

In Cesar's first book, "Cesar's book" he talks about how much his dogs have meant to him. 

" I owe a lot to dogs.  Obviously, I owe my livelihood to them, but my gratitude goes much deeper.  I owe my balance to dogs.  I owe my experience of unconditional love to dogs and, as a boy, my ability to overcome loneliness.  I owe my understanding of family to dogs, and they have helped me learn to be a better more balanced "pack leader" with my wife for our kids.  Dogs give us so much, but what do we really give them in return?  A place to sleep, food, affection...but is that enough for them?  They are so pure and unselfish in sharing their lives with us.  Can't we take a deeper look inside their minds and hearts to discover what they really want?"

Doesn't that remind you of children?  We learn so much from them.  Balanced children are understanding, give unconditional love, provide companionship, are unselfish and innocent in their view of the world.  Unfortunately, unbalanced children are just the opposite.  They argue, cry, pitch temper tantrums, seem to be anti-social and can act out at the most inconvenient times. 

All of us want children that not only will add to our lives but will grow to have wonderful lives of their own.  So....what causes a balanced newborn to turn into an unbalanced toddler or preschooler?  What causes a sweet two-year old to turn into a rebellious ten year old? 

That's what we will be discovering in the next few weeks.  For now, let's take a look at the needs of your child.  As Cesar said about dogs...."What do we give them in return?"  That applies to children as well.  They can have all sorts of toys and items that we think they might like, but if we miss one of their internal needs, imbalance will occur.

Our first lesson will be "Trust".  If your child can't trust you to be everything she needs, to research and promote Truth....your child will feel frightened and will react improperly. 

Check back and I'll explain how important TRUST is to your child.  Until then, ask yourself if your child can trust you 100% to do the right thing. 

You can find even more information about trust in my book, Discipline Exposed.

Seeking His Wisdom,


1 comment:

jubilee said...

I am very interested in this series you are doing. I have an angry eight year old and his rebellion is getting out of control.

I also enjoy Cesar's show and am amazed how well dogs respond to his methods.

Can't wait to read more!