
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"NO" is not a bad word....

I'm recuperating from reconstructive surgery on my foot.  While eating lunch I turned on Fox news.  Megan Kelly was debating the new banned video by Beonce and GaGa.  She asked her guest why we should ban this video when we give the "artistic" label to other forms of art that are just as bad if not worse.

This is an issue that every parent needs to deal with before you even have a child.  Since your child will be subjected to the world, you need to have a plan to explain the irresponsible acts that he/she will encounter.  Don't believe the argument that artists are somehow above the "good taste" rules or the common sense rules of civility.  Don't believe the lie that they are somehow above the laws that govern pornography. "No" is a good word that should apply to artists.

I believe in censorship.  I don't believe that anyone has the right to spew any type of language, art or philosophies just because they are screaming "freedom of speech".  That was not the intent of the first amendment rights of free speech.  I believe in logical censorship, not because I don't want freedom, but because of Edmund Burke.  He said this:

"All that evil needs to exist is that good men do nothing."

Yes Edmund, I believe that.  I've also looked at the evidence that overwhelmingly supports the idea that art does NOT represent society but rather influences society.   

For example, while there will always be evil in the world - we do help it grow when we highlight it and give support to it's supposedly "artistic" substance.  If you expose a child to porn, he won't move away from it when he's older he will gravitate toward it.  Because he has been taught to accept it...he will push the envelope farther and farther.

Ask yourself this question....Why have our children lost their innocence?  Is it because our churches have failed them?  Is it because of bad parenting?  Is it because movies, songs, art etc. have opened up the world of sexuality too early and tried to involve children in acts that shouldn't even be practiced by adults?

You can't raise your child in a bubble.  You can't protect them from every outside source.  But you can teach decency, proper timelines for sexuality and love.  You can teach them that while sex is a part of our lives - it should not consume us.  Having a healthy sex life does not mean that you are involved in those thoughts every waking hour.  Sex can become an addiction that will keep you from finding and succeeding at your God given purpose in life. 

We must teach our children right from wrong and make our case for a "pure" life.  

Another bit of news tells me that parents are not fulfilling their teaching roles.  MTV now has an online program that children can go to and ask if an action they are about to do is something good or bad.  MTV?  Really?  That's who is going to instruct our children on values?  That's who is going to tell your child if drugs, sex, fighting or any other action is okay? 

If you want to stop the mental assault on our children - Be the parent God has called you to be! 

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Seeking His Wisdom,

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