
The Mommy Detective - cracking the code on your family's drama.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Amy Chua - Chinese Tiger mother

Tomorrow we will begin the class "Principles of Parenting".

In preparation for this class I hope that you will google Amy Chua - "The Chinese Tiger Mother" and read some information on her parenting style.

Children, young adults and struggling career adults are having a hard time right now.  Suicide, bullying, addictions and sex are all up in numbers.  Parents are desperate to find a way to help their children succeed.  At long last the government and television commentators are admitting that our children - the owners of our future - are the key to the success of this country.  We are slipping in test scores, slipping in entrepreneurship, slipping in close knit families, slipping in self esteem and...slipping in hope for our future.  More and more children and teens are less interested in making their mark in the world and more interested in playing the part of Dumb and dumber. 

Can parents help?  You bet! 

It's a delicate balance being a parent.  Remember - THERE IS NO PERFECT PARENT - AND NO PERFECT CHILD!  But....there are answers that can help you parent with success.

Stay tuned for lesson one and learn what you can do to be the successful parent of a successful child!

Start your research with these articles....

Politics Daily article


Seeking His Wisdom,


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